Key Features:
I. High air flow for outdoor and indoor use. Feels like a 20 MPH wind!
2. Portable, so you can take it anywhere you go.
3. Includes screw on cup adapters and polymer rings engineered to fit: (7) Different style golf carts and most boat cup holders
4. Lithium-Ion Battery
5. Approximate run times will a fully charged battery: Dial set to low: 30 hours / High: 3.5 hours
6. Battery charge time is 3 hrs and 45 minutes, if completely discharged.
7. High efficiency, high power, ball bearing, long lasting brush-less motor.
1 x PGF-V Personal GO Fan
Cup Adapters for your golf cart and boat
Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
Battery Charger
The only way to experience the Personal GO fan is to take it out and test its performance.
Your 10 days trial period behind when you receive the PDF-V - not when it's shipped!
If you need to return the PGF-V for any reason, we will provide you a full refund - you would only be responsible for the shipping.
How to prepare a return?
1. Get your return authorization code by calling 1-888-938-6672 and you will be given a Return Authorization Code. Please add this code to the return form linked below.
2. Package your return
3. Write the return authorization code on the box.
4. Insure your PGF-V when shipping
5. Ship!
If you have any further questions about our return policy, please contact us at info@pgffan.com or call 1-888-938-6672
Q. How should I store my PGF-V for the season?
To maintain maximum Battery Power and Longer Service life of the PGF-V, the battery should be stored with a 50% charge. If the charge level is unknown then fully discharge the PGF-V and then add a charge for 1 12 hours. We suggest repeating this process every 3 months during prolonged storage.
Q. How important is it that I discharge and recharge the battery at three month intervals?
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do this. The best way to maintain the Lithium Ion battery in your PGF-V is to run a full discharge and then full recharge at least every 3 months. This process will provide for longer battery life and a longer run time for the PGF. Failure to do this discharge/charge process will reduce the battery life and run time.
Q. Do I have to own a golf cart or boat to have a PGF-V Personal GO Fan?
No, it's for both owners and non-owners, the beauty of the PGF-V is that it's portable and fits in 6 different golf carts, and most OEM boat cup holders.
Q. What can I do if my PGF-V does not fit securely in my cup holder?
You can add Velcro to the PGF-V cup adapter and to the inside of your cup holder. This will create a secure fit.
Q. How long does it take to charge the battery?
If the battery is completely discharged; it will take less than 3 hours to fully charge.

GO anywhere, PLAY anywhere, cool.
With PGF-V qaulity construction and long lasting battery life, the possibilities are endless...

Hot day on the water? PGF-V has you covered!
The patented PGF-V comes with an adapter specifically engineered to fit into the O.E.M. cup holders of most boats and yachts.
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